Microwaves Used as WeaponsAs far back as 1958, the government was working on using microwaves to enslave humanity.
Microwaves are key in the evolution of a new series of non-lethal weapons that the Military is interested in developing. These weapons could be capable of: preventing voluntary muscular movements; control emotions (and thus actions); produce sleep; transmit suggestions; interfere with both short-term and long-term memory; produce an experience set and delete an experience set.
Microwaves used at low power densities can be used to induce sounds and words within a person’s head so that it appears that the person is hearing voices. This technology can be used in isolated individuals either to send instructions to soldiers in the field who are in combat situations or it can be used on the enemy to scare and/or disorient them (one of the non-lethal weapons being developed). There is also some evidence to suggest that this technology has the capability of remote mind reading.
Mind Control: The Ultimate Terror
Microwave Hearing Via Broadcast US Patent 4877027 Brunkan & MKULTRA
Still think cell phone towers are harmless and only those who wear 'tinfoil hats' think they are being used to control people?