Wednesday 20 March 2013

Galactic superwave approaching, again?

The Great Flood and Ice Melt

Many stories from around the world recount the tale of a great flood. It appears in the Bible as the story of Noah, and the Maya believe that the last world was destroyed by it. They called the flood Hun Yecil, meaning the “inundation of the trees,” as the deluge happened so quickly all the trees were swept away with it. Flood stories are extremely widespread, appearing in the mythologies of more than ninety different cultures on all of the populated continents of the planet.

Reinterpreting Atlantis

One of the most famous flood stories is probably that of Atlantis. The original story of Atlantis and the flood was told in Plato's Timaeus dialogue. LaViolette believes the story is actually an allegory and wasn't intended to be read literally. The clue for this is that Poseidon (Neptune) was given all the seas as his dominion as well as Atlantis, which was his only land territory. LaViolette's theory is that Atlantis wasn't a continent at all but the vast ice sheet that once covered North America. Hence, being water, it was really still part of Poseidon's domain. The myth of Atlantis wasn't intended to be read as the sinking of a continent but as the melting of the ice sheet, which was responsible for the great flood. The timing of the sinking of Atlantis is around 9,600 B.C., which coincides with the climatic warming that occurred at the end of the last Ice Age, known as the Younger Dryas.
According to LaViolette, the Atlantis flood was triggered by the large amount of cosmic dust injected into the solar system by the superwave event that happened 2,000 years previously. This dust altered the sun's radiance, resulting in a substantial change of climate on Earth.
The dialogues also refer to two previous attacks of Atlantis upon Greece, which in LaViolette's interpretation would be two previous floods. These correspond to the glacier wave flooding associated with the super-wave that happened 14,000 years ago and the species extinction peak of 12,700 years ago.
LaViolette's view is that the ancient Greeks had encoded a sophisticated astronomical knowledge in these myths. For example, it appears that the cycle of precession is encoded in the Great Year of the Greeks that lasted 26,000 years. It consisted of two epochs, both of which ended in widespread disaster. The great summer or ekpyrauses lasted for half the cycle and ended in combustion; the great winter or kataclysmos lasted the other half and ended in deluge. LaViolette estimates this deluge phase of the great year corresponds to the point at which precession will have brought the galactic center to its southernmost point. This will occur approximately 270 years from now, so very close to our epoch. The orientation of our planet to the galactic center also means that any galactic superwave that does arrive is likely to cause maximum damage.