Friday 31 January 2014

Levitation through sound

One of the existing theories for the building of pyramids and other megalithic monuments is that sonic levitation was used, which means instruments that could levitate heavy objects and make them easier to move. More recent stories include techniques that are used in some areas in Tibet where, with the help of drums and trumpets, they can levitate large stones on the slopes of mountains and move them wherever is needed for building walls. Dr Jarl has provided a detailed description and drawings of this process – allegedly he even filmed the event.
A similar process was suggested to have been used for building the coral castle in the US, another controversial and relatively recent event. The coral castle is a stone structure that was built by the Latvian American Edward Leedskalnin, who said that he had discovered the techniques that Egyptians used to build the pyramids, techniques related to levitation/antigravity technologies. He never revealed his secrets. It took him 28 years to build the castle from about 1923 to 1951and refused to allow anyone to view him while he worked. He did the castle completely on his own carving more than 1,000 tons of rock. Although nobody heard any sounds from him building, if he used sonic levitation it doesn’t mean that the sonic levitation methods used sound waves audible to humans.
Abul Hasan Ali Al-Masudi, an Arab historian, has written about Egypt and he mentioned the way that Egyptians used to move stones, referring to a magic papyrus that was placed under the stone and then the stone was struck with a metal rod causing the stone to levitate and move along an area paved with stones and a fenced path with metal poles on both sides of the path. This sounds like metal poles used to vibrate creating frequencies in such a way that they would create a moving path for the stones.
A few years ago sonic drilling was demonstrated by NASA as a means to be used for mining material from rocks and other hard materials in space missions. However, today researchers have managed to use sound waves to levitate and move tiny particles precisely and liquid droplets. Multiple vibrating plates are used to create different frequencies and move an acoustic field with the particles trapped in it. Comparing to what was previously mentioned from the Tibetan monks and Edward Leedskalnin, this scientific demonstration looks primitive, but it is a step that shows that sonic levitation can be used and will improve as more scientific research will be done. And if it can be done for droplets it will for sure be done for larger objects in the future.