Did you know that scientist have proven the sky will turn red in less then ten years because of unstoppable pollution?
Did you know that a maintenance person who cleaned Air-force One found a jar of blood under the seat where Obama sat and there is a photo to prove it?
Did you know that hybrid alien children are walking amongst us with super-powers and are positioned to help take over the world?
Did you know that the San Madreas fault line is going to split open at least 15 meters by 2018?
Did you know that Michelle Obama is having an affair with a shape-shifting actor who is really a relative?
Did you know that this was a mind control test?
Did you know that SUGGESTIVE use of Mind Control is the most powerful and easiest thing to do? Did you know that by adding images the suggestion increases? Did you know that making suggestions confidently, is all that Hypnosis is?
Did you know that Hitler gained support from masses of other-wise “good” people for his savior agenda through suggestion as well as many other notorious leaders including Lenin, Mao and Kim Jung, all promising a form of paradise?
Ask yourself, honesty, how many of the above 5 suggestions did you think might be true?
If you scored zero, you are still a healthy sceptic.
If you scored 1-2 you are influenceable enough that you should consider if some of your newest beliefs may be slowly leading you astray.
A score of 3 to 5 means you are in danger of becoming, if not already being used though dissidence for creating yet more division of your own incredible and free country, culture and society.
When you look at the images below, ask yourself, what thoughts come to mind? Now ask yourself what actual facts those thoughts are based on?
Are they true, are they fair, based on what we have to work with in this day and age? Do they form a complete picture, do I even know the whole story enough in which to judge it?