Several legitimate free energy researchers do exist, but they don't spend huge amounts on advertising like the scammers do. You probably won't have heard of them. The people who pursue wide publicity are almost all scam artists. If someone is making large amounts of money from selling books and videos on free energy, be very suspicious. If someone is selling plans for "real" free-energy devices, they are a ripoff. Don't waste your money. Or if someone is selling "Dealer ships" or invest ment opportunities for a free energy corp, hold tight to your wallet and RUN! Or, if you've already let them get their hands on your money, ask to see proof of the FE device, and see what excuse you're given. (It will be a very convincing excuse. Scam artists don't act sneaky. Scam artists survive because they seem far MORE honest and honorable than a normal person.) Remember that the "con" in "con game" means "confidence." They win your confidence first, then they go after your money. How to tell the difference between a con game and a real product? Easy: if you give them money before receiving a working FE device, then it's a scam, always.