A cyber-attack on India’s official military research agency has been traced to a server in China’s Guangdong Province.
The breach against the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) took place earlier this month. Indian security experts traced the stolen files to a server in Guangdong, and found among them files also stolen from South Korea, the Russian army, and the United States, including from homeland security and NASA.
Thousands of confidential government files were compromised, such as Indian state security intelligence, and information on surface-to-air missile and radar programs from the Defense Research and Development Laboratory.
Cyberlaw expert Pawan Duggal said that this should be “a huge wake up call for the Indian nation,” India’s Daily News and Analysis (DNA) website reported.
“The current attack that’s happened on the servers, here in the DRDO, is possibly the biggest kind of cybersecurity breach that’s happened in the history of cybersecurity jurisprudence in our country,” Duggal added. “We have to realize that we cannot allow this to happen.”
An Indian technical intelligence team discovered a file called “army cyber policy” that had infected the DRDO’s system via email.
The Chinese server was only hosting six domains, despite its potential to carry over 10,000, and its suspected value of nearly $27.8 million
The leak comes as the Chinese regime’s hacking of U.S. corporate and government infrastructure is receiving sustained attention in the press, after the recent publication of a report demonstrated a vast campaign of cyberespionage attributed to a unit of the People’s Liberation Army.