The Official Countdown
The thoughts expressed here are not those of the Republic of Dan but they have stimulated further thinking within the Republic. The truth is often only discernible by the hole it left when it was taken away. Best of luck to you my friend on your journey.
Monday, 17 December 2012
Sunday, 16 December 2012
who really killed the connecticut kids?
When something unbelievably evil happens in one of our
schools, like the recent murder of 27 children and teachers at the
Newtown School in Connecticut, the media always tells us the same thing:
blame the lone nut(s).
But history suggests that many if not most schoolyard massacres, like other large-scale acts of domestic terrorism, have a much more sinister agenda.
Sheriff Pat Sullivan, who ran the Columbine investigation, was arrested last year and convicted of coercing sexual favors from a child in exchange for methamphetamine. His ridiculously short sentence, served in the jail that bears his name, amounted to a slap on the wrist. Rumor has it that Sullivan is part of a pedophile network along the lines of the Finders of Lost Children and the perpetrators of the Franklin Scandal child sex ring.
Some Columbine victims’ family members suspect that Sheriff Sullivan was involved in a “butt rape” incident involving the alleged Columbine shooters. Were those shooters mind-controlled sex-abuse victims?
Rogue intelligence agents and their psychiatrist colleagues have been brainwashing “lone nuts” to commit murder at least since the CIA’s MK-Ultra program achieved its objectives circa 1960.
Why would such “rogue networks” want to send brainwashed Manchurian Candidates into schools to massacre children?
Let’s allow one of the terrorists themselves to answer that question.
Remember Operation Gladio? The Pentagon, through NATO, organized bombings and shootings in the streets of Europe. When one of the terrorists got caught, he explained at his trial: “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public to turn to the State to ask for greater security.” He later explained the “strategy of tension” to the BBC: “To create tension within the country to promote conservative, reactionary social and political tendencies.”
Google “Brabant massacre” for more gory details.
So the answer to the question, WHY? is really very simple: When you terrorize the population, you open the door for fascist, authoritarian politicians.
Operation Gladio never ended. It’s still happening, right here in America.
Wade Michael Page, the “man with a 9/11 tattoo” blamed for the Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting, turned out to be a US Army psy-ops specialist.
The “DC Sniper” – the US Army Special Forces whiz who changed his name to “Muhammad” just in time to go on a shooting spree – was another government-sponsored false-flag operation.
So whenever an event like today’s Connecticut massacre screams out at you from your screen: BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID, you should tell the mainstream media brainwashers to go to hell, then join those of us who are exposing the false flag terrorists and setting the stage for a world in which they will no longer ply their bloody trade.
Operation Gladio.
Through NATO, working with various Western European intelligence agencies, the CIA set up a network of stay behind “secret armies” which were responsible for dozens of terrorist atrocities across Western Europe over decades. This report will focus on the stay behind army in Italy, as it is the most documented. Its codename was Operation Gladio, the ‘Sword’.
An Overview
The Purpose of the ‘Stay Behind’ Armies
In the early 1950s, the United States began training networks of “stay behind” volunteers in Western Europe, so that in the event of a Soviet invasion, they would “gather intelligence, open escape routes and form resistance movements.” The CIA financed and advised these groups, later working in tandem with western European military intelligence units under the coordination of a NATO committee. In 1990, Italian and Belgian investigators started researching the links between these “stay behind armies” and the occurrence of terrorism in Western Europe for a period of 20 years.[1]
‘Secret Armies’ or Terrorist Groups?
These “stay behind” armies colluded with, funded and often even directed terrorist organizations throughout Europe in what was termed a “strategy of tension” with the aim of preventing a rise of the left in Western European politics. NATO’s “secret armies” engaged in subversive and criminal activities in several countries. In Turkey in 1960, the stay behind army, working with the army, staged a coup d’état and killed Prime Minister Adnan Menderes; in Algeria in 1961, the French stay-behind army staged a coup with the CIA against the French government of Algiers, which ultimately failed; in 1967, the Greek stay-behind army staged a coup and imposed a military dictatorship; in 1971 in Turkey, after a military coup, the stay-behind army engaged in “domestic terror” and killed hundreds; in 1977 in Spain, the stay behind army carried out a massacre in Madrid; in 1980 in Turkey, the head of the stay behind army staged a coup and took power; in 1985 in Belgium, the stay behind attacked and shot shoppers randomly in supermarkets, killing 28; in Switzerland in 1990, the former head of the Swiss stay behind wrote the US Defense Department he would reveal “the whole truth,” and was found the next day stabbed to death with his own bayonet; and in 1995, England revealed that the MI6 and SAS helped set up stay behind armies across Western Europe.[2]
The Birth of Operation Gladio
A ‘Strategy of Tension’
In 1990, the Italian Prime Minister had confirmed that Italy’s “stay behind” army, termed “Gladio” (Sword), existed since 1958, with the approval of the Italian government. In the early 1970s, Italy’s communist support was growing, so the government turned to a “Strategy of Tension” using the Gladio network. At a top secret 1972 Gladio meeting, one official referred to making a “pre-emptive attack” on the Communists. As the Guardian reported, links between Gladio in Italy, all three Italian secret services and Italy’s P2 Masonic Lodge were well documented, as the head of each intelligence unit was a member of the P2 Lodge.[3]
Setting up the Network
In 1949, the CIA helped set up the Italian secret armed forces intelligence unit, named SIFAR, staffed in part with former members of Mussolini’s secret police. It later changed its name to SID. At the end of World War 2, a former Nazi collaborator, Licio Gelli, was facing execution for his activities during the war, but managed to escape by joining the US Army Counter-Intelligence Corps. In the 1950s, Gelli was recruited by SIFAR. Gelli was also head of the P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy, and in 1969, he developed close ties with General Alexander Haig, who was then Assistant to National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger. Through this network, Gelli became chief intermediary between the CIA and General De Lorenzo, Chief of the SID.[4]
Gladio Creates ‘Tension’
Gladio was involved in a silent coup d’état in Italy, when General Giovanni de Lorenzo forced the Italian Socialist Ministers to leave the government.[5] On December 12, 1969, a bomb exploded at the National Agrarian Bank, which killed 17 people and wounded 88 others. That afternoon, three more bombs exploded in Rome and Milan. US intelligence was informed ahead of time of the bombing, but did not inform the Italian authorities.[6] In 2000, a former Italian Secret Service General stated that the CIA “gave its tacit approval to a series of bomb attacks in Italy in the 1960s and 1970s.”[7] The bombing was linked to two neofascists and to an SID agent.[8]
Testifying in a court case trying four men accused of involvement in the 1969 bank bombing in Milan, General Gianadelio Maletti, former head of military counter-intelligence from 1971 to 1975, stated that his unit discovered evidence that explosives were supplied to a right wing Italian terrorist group from Germany, and that US intelligence may have aided in the transfer of explosives. He was quoted as saying that the CIA, “following the directives of its government, wanted to create an Italian nationalism capable of halting what it saw as a slide to the left and, for this purpose, it may have made use of rightwing terrorism,” and that, “I believe this is what happened in other countries as well.”[9]
The Report
The Italian government released a 300-page report on Gladio operations in Italy in 2000, documenting connections with the United States. It declared that the US was responsible for inspiring a “strategy of tension.” In examining why those who committed the bombings in Italy were rarely caught, the report said, “those massacres, those bombs, those military actions had been organised or promoted or supported by men inside Italian state institutions and, as has been discovered, by men linked to the structures of United States intelligence.”[10]
The Red Brigades
The Red Brigades were a leftist Italian terrorist organization that was formed in 1970. In 1974, Red Brigade founders Renato Curcio and Alberto Franceschini were arrested. Alberto Franceschini later accused a top member of the Red Brigades, Mario Moretti, of turning them in, and that both Moretti and another leading Red Brigade member, Giovanni Senzani, were spies for the Italian and US secret services.[11] Moretti rose up through the ranks of the Red Brigades as a result of the arrest of the two founders.
The Red Brigades and the CIA
The Red Brigades worked closely with the Hyperion Language School in Paris, which was founded by Corrado Simioni, Duccio Berio and Mario Moretti. Corrado Simoni had worked for the CIA at Radio Free Europe, Duccio Berio had been supplying the Italian SID with information of leftist groups and Mario Moretti, apart from being accused by the Red Brigades founders as being an intelligence asset, also happened to be the mastermind and murderer of former Italian Prime Minister, Aldo Moro. An Italian police report referred to the Hyperion Language School as “the most important CIA office in Europe.”[12]
The Murder of Aldo Moro
Moro Makes Powerful Enemies
Aldo Moro, who served as Italy’s Prime Minister from 1963 until 1968 and later, from 1973 until 1976, was kidnapped and murdered by the Red Brigades in 1978, while still a prominent politician in the Christian Democrat Party. When he was kidnapped, Moro was on his way to Parliament to vote on inaugurating a new government, of which he negotiated, for the first time since 1947, to be backed by the Italian Communist Party (PCI). Moro’s policy of working with and bringing the Communists into the government was denounced by both the USSR and the United States.
Kissinger’s Threat
Moro was held for 55 days before his eventual murder. The reasoning was for his plan to bring the Communist Party into the government. Four years prior to his death, in 1974, Moro was on a visit as Italian Prime Minister, to the United States. While there, he met with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who told Moro, “`You must abandon your policy of bringing all the political forces in your country into direct collaboration… or you will pay dearly for it.”[13]
Moro was “Sacrificed”
Steve Pieczenik, a former State Department hostage negotiator and international crisis manager, “claimed that he played a critical role in the fate of Aldo Moro.” Pieczenik “said that Moro had been “sacrificed” for the “stability” of Italy.” He had been sent to Italy by President Jimmy Carter on the day of Moro’s kidnapping to be part of a crisis committee, of which he said was “jolted into action by the fear that Moro would reveal state secrets in an attempt to free himself.” The action the committee took was to leak a memo saying that Moro was dead, and to have the memo attributed to the Red Brigades. The purpose of this was to “prepare the Italian public for the worst and to let the Red Brigades know that the state would not negotiate for Moro, and considered him already dead.”[14] In a documentary on the subject, Pieczenik stated that, “The decision was made in the fourth week of the kidnapping, when Moro’s letters became desperate and he was about to reveal state secrets,” and that, “It was an extremely difficult decision, but the one who made it in the end was interior minister Francesco Cossiga, and, apparently, also prime minister Giulio Andreotti.”[15]
Moro’s Letters
Among Moro’s released letters, which he was writing while in captivity, he stated that he feared that a shadow organization, with “other secret services of the West … might be implicated in the destabilisation of our country.”[16] During his interrogation while in captivity, Moro even referred to “Nato’s anti-guerrilla activities.” However, the Red Brigades did not use this information,[17] perhaps because, according to the founders of the Red Brigades, the leader of the organization at the time of Moro’s kidnapping, Mario Moretti, was working for the Italian or US intelligence services.[18]
Maverick Journalist Killed by President?
Shortly after Moro’s death, Italian journalist, Mino Pecorelli, a man with “excellent secret service contacts,” voiced his suspicion in a 1978 article that Moro’s death was linked to Gladio, which was not officially acknowledged until 1990. A year after Moro’s death, Pecorelli was shot dead in Rome. He claimed that the kidnapping of Moro was committed by a “lucid superpower.” In 2002, former seven-term Prime Minister, Giulio Andreotti, was convicted of “ordering” Pecorelli’s murder.[19] Pecorelli was about to publish a book “containing damaging criticisms of [Prime Minister Giulio] Andreotti by murdered Christian Democratic leader Aldo Moro.”[20]
The Bologna Bombing
On the morning of August 2, 1980, Italy experienced its worst-ever terrorist attack at Bologna train station, which killed 85 people, and wounded more than 200 others. A long and complicated investigation was undertaken, and eventually, a trial began. In 1988, four right-wing terrorists were sentenced to life in prison. Two other defendants were convicted of slandering the investigation, “Francesco Pazienza, a former financier linked to several criminal cases in Italy, and Licio Gelli, the former grandmaster of the so-called P-2 Masonic lodge.”[21] This is the very same Licio Gelli who happened to be a CIA intermediary for the head of Italian intelligence for the Gladio network. Although later on, Gelli was acquitted of the charges.
[1] Bruce W. Nelan, Europe Nato’s Secret Armies. Time Magazine: November 26, 1990:,9171,971772,00.html
2] PHP, Secret Warfare: Operation Gladio and NATO’s Stay-Behind Armies. ISN:
[3] Ed Vulliamy, Secret agents, freemasons, fascists… and a top-level campaign of political ‘destabilisation’. The Guardian: December 5, 1990:
4] Arthur E. Rowse, GLADIO: THE SECRET U.S. WAR TO SUBVERT ITALIAN DEMOCRACY. Covert Action Quarterly: December 1994
[5] PHP, Secret Warfare: Operation Gladio and NATO’s Stay-Behind Armies. ISN:
[6] Philip Willan, US ‘supported anti-left terror in Italy’. The Guardian: June 24, 2000:
[7] CBC, CIA knew, but didn’t stop bombings in Italy – report. CBC News: August 5, 2000:
[8] Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America. University of California Press, 2007: page 181
[9] Philip Willan, Terrorists ‘helped by CIA’ to stop rise of left in Italy. The Guardian: March 26, 2001:
[10] Philip Willan, US ‘supported anti-left terror in Italy’. The Guardian: June 24, 2000:
[11] Philip Willan, Infiltrators blamed for murder of Italian PM. The Guardian: April 10, 1999:,4273,3852325,00.html
[12 – 13] Arthur E. Rowse, GLADIO: THE SECRET U.S. WAR TO SUBVERT ITALIAN DEMOCRACY. Covert Action Quarterly: December 1994
[14] Malcolm Moore, US envoy admits role in Aldo Moro killing. The Telegraph: March 16, 2008:
[15] Saviona Mane, A murder still fresh. Haaretz: May 9, 2008:
[16] Ed Vulliamy, Secret agents, freemasons, fascists… and a top-level campaign of political ‘destabilisation’. The Guardian: December 5, 1990:
[17] Philip Willan, Moro’s ghost haunts political life. The Guardian: May 9, 2003:,,4665179-105806,00.html
[18] Philip Willan, Infiltrators blamed for murder of Italian PM. The Guardian: April 10, 1999:,4273,3852325,00.html
[19] Philip Willan, Moro’s ghost haunts political life. The Guardian: May 9, 2003:,,4665179-105806,00.html
[20] BBC News, Giulio Andreotti: Mr Italy. BBC: October 23, 1999:
[21] AP, Four Get Life in Prison In Bombing in Bologna. The New York Times: July 12, 1988:
Andrew G. Marshall contributed to breaking the Climate Change consensus in a celebrated 2006 article entitled Global Warming A Convenient Lie, in which he challenged the findings underlying Al Gore’s documentary. According to Marshall, ‘as soon as people start to state that “the debate is over”, beware, because the fundamental basis of all sciences is that debate is never over’. Andrew Marshall has also written on the militarization of Central Africa, national security issues and the process of integration of North America. He is also a contributor to He is currently a researcher at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) in Montreal and is studying political science and history at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia.
But history suggests that many if not most schoolyard massacres, like other large-scale acts of domestic terrorism, have a much more sinister agenda.
Sheriff Pat Sullivan, who ran the Columbine investigation, was arrested last year and convicted of coercing sexual favors from a child in exchange for methamphetamine. His ridiculously short sentence, served in the jail that bears his name, amounted to a slap on the wrist. Rumor has it that Sullivan is part of a pedophile network along the lines of the Finders of Lost Children and the perpetrators of the Franklin Scandal child sex ring.
Some Columbine victims’ family members suspect that Sheriff Sullivan was involved in a “butt rape” incident involving the alleged Columbine shooters. Were those shooters mind-controlled sex-abuse victims?
Rogue intelligence agents and their psychiatrist colleagues have been brainwashing “lone nuts” to commit murder at least since the CIA’s MK-Ultra program achieved its objectives circa 1960.
Why would such “rogue networks” want to send brainwashed Manchurian Candidates into schools to massacre children?
Let’s allow one of the terrorists themselves to answer that question.
Remember Operation Gladio? The Pentagon, through NATO, organized bombings and shootings in the streets of Europe. When one of the terrorists got caught, he explained at his trial: “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public to turn to the State to ask for greater security.” He later explained the “strategy of tension” to the BBC: “To create tension within the country to promote conservative, reactionary social and political tendencies.”
Google “Brabant massacre” for more gory details.
So the answer to the question, WHY? is really very simple: When you terrorize the population, you open the door for fascist, authoritarian politicians.
Operation Gladio never ended. It’s still happening, right here in America.
Wade Michael Page, the “man with a 9/11 tattoo” blamed for the Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting, turned out to be a US Army psy-ops specialist.
The “DC Sniper” – the US Army Special Forces whiz who changed his name to “Muhammad” just in time to go on a shooting spree – was another government-sponsored false-flag operation.
So whenever an event like today’s Connecticut massacre screams out at you from your screen: BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID, you should tell the mainstream media brainwashers to go to hell, then join those of us who are exposing the false flag terrorists and setting the stage for a world in which they will no longer ply their bloody trade.
Operation Gladio.
Through NATO, working with various Western European intelligence agencies, the CIA set up a network of stay behind “secret armies” which were responsible for dozens of terrorist atrocities across Western Europe over decades. This report will focus on the stay behind army in Italy, as it is the most documented. Its codename was Operation Gladio, the ‘Sword’.
An Overview
The Purpose of the ‘Stay Behind’ Armies
In the early 1950s, the United States began training networks of “stay behind” volunteers in Western Europe, so that in the event of a Soviet invasion, they would “gather intelligence, open escape routes and form resistance movements.” The CIA financed and advised these groups, later working in tandem with western European military intelligence units under the coordination of a NATO committee. In 1990, Italian and Belgian investigators started researching the links between these “stay behind armies” and the occurrence of terrorism in Western Europe for a period of 20 years.[1]
‘Secret Armies’ or Terrorist Groups?
These “stay behind” armies colluded with, funded and often even directed terrorist organizations throughout Europe in what was termed a “strategy of tension” with the aim of preventing a rise of the left in Western European politics. NATO’s “secret armies” engaged in subversive and criminal activities in several countries. In Turkey in 1960, the stay behind army, working with the army, staged a coup d’état and killed Prime Minister Adnan Menderes; in Algeria in 1961, the French stay-behind army staged a coup with the CIA against the French government of Algiers, which ultimately failed; in 1967, the Greek stay-behind army staged a coup and imposed a military dictatorship; in 1971 in Turkey, after a military coup, the stay-behind army engaged in “domestic terror” and killed hundreds; in 1977 in Spain, the stay behind army carried out a massacre in Madrid; in 1980 in Turkey, the head of the stay behind army staged a coup and took power; in 1985 in Belgium, the stay behind attacked and shot shoppers randomly in supermarkets, killing 28; in Switzerland in 1990, the former head of the Swiss stay behind wrote the US Defense Department he would reveal “the whole truth,” and was found the next day stabbed to death with his own bayonet; and in 1995, England revealed that the MI6 and SAS helped set up stay behind armies across Western Europe.[2]
The Birth of Operation Gladio
A ‘Strategy of Tension’
In 1990, the Italian Prime Minister had confirmed that Italy’s “stay behind” army, termed “Gladio” (Sword), existed since 1958, with the approval of the Italian government. In the early 1970s, Italy’s communist support was growing, so the government turned to a “Strategy of Tension” using the Gladio network. At a top secret 1972 Gladio meeting, one official referred to making a “pre-emptive attack” on the Communists. As the Guardian reported, links between Gladio in Italy, all three Italian secret services and Italy’s P2 Masonic Lodge were well documented, as the head of each intelligence unit was a member of the P2 Lodge.[3]
Setting up the Network
In 1949, the CIA helped set up the Italian secret armed forces intelligence unit, named SIFAR, staffed in part with former members of Mussolini’s secret police. It later changed its name to SID. At the end of World War 2, a former Nazi collaborator, Licio Gelli, was facing execution for his activities during the war, but managed to escape by joining the US Army Counter-Intelligence Corps. In the 1950s, Gelli was recruited by SIFAR. Gelli was also head of the P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy, and in 1969, he developed close ties with General Alexander Haig, who was then Assistant to National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger. Through this network, Gelli became chief intermediary between the CIA and General De Lorenzo, Chief of the SID.[4]
Gladio Creates ‘Tension’
Gladio was involved in a silent coup d’état in Italy, when General Giovanni de Lorenzo forced the Italian Socialist Ministers to leave the government.[5] On December 12, 1969, a bomb exploded at the National Agrarian Bank, which killed 17 people and wounded 88 others. That afternoon, three more bombs exploded in Rome and Milan. US intelligence was informed ahead of time of the bombing, but did not inform the Italian authorities.[6] In 2000, a former Italian Secret Service General stated that the CIA “gave its tacit approval to a series of bomb attacks in Italy in the 1960s and 1970s.”[7] The bombing was linked to two neofascists and to an SID agent.[8]
Testifying in a court case trying four men accused of involvement in the 1969 bank bombing in Milan, General Gianadelio Maletti, former head of military counter-intelligence from 1971 to 1975, stated that his unit discovered evidence that explosives were supplied to a right wing Italian terrorist group from Germany, and that US intelligence may have aided in the transfer of explosives. He was quoted as saying that the CIA, “following the directives of its government, wanted to create an Italian nationalism capable of halting what it saw as a slide to the left and, for this purpose, it may have made use of rightwing terrorism,” and that, “I believe this is what happened in other countries as well.”[9]
The Report
The Italian government released a 300-page report on Gladio operations in Italy in 2000, documenting connections with the United States. It declared that the US was responsible for inspiring a “strategy of tension.” In examining why those who committed the bombings in Italy were rarely caught, the report said, “those massacres, those bombs, those military actions had been organised or promoted or supported by men inside Italian state institutions and, as has been discovered, by men linked to the structures of United States intelligence.”[10]
The Red Brigades
The Red Brigades were a leftist Italian terrorist organization that was formed in 1970. In 1974, Red Brigade founders Renato Curcio and Alberto Franceschini were arrested. Alberto Franceschini later accused a top member of the Red Brigades, Mario Moretti, of turning them in, and that both Moretti and another leading Red Brigade member, Giovanni Senzani, were spies for the Italian and US secret services.[11] Moretti rose up through the ranks of the Red Brigades as a result of the arrest of the two founders.
The Red Brigades and the CIA
The Red Brigades worked closely with the Hyperion Language School in Paris, which was founded by Corrado Simioni, Duccio Berio and Mario Moretti. Corrado Simoni had worked for the CIA at Radio Free Europe, Duccio Berio had been supplying the Italian SID with information of leftist groups and Mario Moretti, apart from being accused by the Red Brigades founders as being an intelligence asset, also happened to be the mastermind and murderer of former Italian Prime Minister, Aldo Moro. An Italian police report referred to the Hyperion Language School as “the most important CIA office in Europe.”[12]
The Murder of Aldo Moro
Moro Makes Powerful Enemies
Aldo Moro, who served as Italy’s Prime Minister from 1963 until 1968 and later, from 1973 until 1976, was kidnapped and murdered by the Red Brigades in 1978, while still a prominent politician in the Christian Democrat Party. When he was kidnapped, Moro was on his way to Parliament to vote on inaugurating a new government, of which he negotiated, for the first time since 1947, to be backed by the Italian Communist Party (PCI). Moro’s policy of working with and bringing the Communists into the government was denounced by both the USSR and the United States.
Kissinger’s Threat
Moro was held for 55 days before his eventual murder. The reasoning was for his plan to bring the Communist Party into the government. Four years prior to his death, in 1974, Moro was on a visit as Italian Prime Minister, to the United States. While there, he met with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who told Moro, “`You must abandon your policy of bringing all the political forces in your country into direct collaboration… or you will pay dearly for it.”[13]
Moro was “Sacrificed”
Steve Pieczenik, a former State Department hostage negotiator and international crisis manager, “claimed that he played a critical role in the fate of Aldo Moro.” Pieczenik “said that Moro had been “sacrificed” for the “stability” of Italy.” He had been sent to Italy by President Jimmy Carter on the day of Moro’s kidnapping to be part of a crisis committee, of which he said was “jolted into action by the fear that Moro would reveal state secrets in an attempt to free himself.” The action the committee took was to leak a memo saying that Moro was dead, and to have the memo attributed to the Red Brigades. The purpose of this was to “prepare the Italian public for the worst and to let the Red Brigades know that the state would not negotiate for Moro, and considered him already dead.”[14] In a documentary on the subject, Pieczenik stated that, “The decision was made in the fourth week of the kidnapping, when Moro’s letters became desperate and he was about to reveal state secrets,” and that, “It was an extremely difficult decision, but the one who made it in the end was interior minister Francesco Cossiga, and, apparently, also prime minister Giulio Andreotti.”[15]
Moro’s Letters
Among Moro’s released letters, which he was writing while in captivity, he stated that he feared that a shadow organization, with “other secret services of the West … might be implicated in the destabilisation of our country.”[16] During his interrogation while in captivity, Moro even referred to “Nato’s anti-guerrilla activities.” However, the Red Brigades did not use this information,[17] perhaps because, according to the founders of the Red Brigades, the leader of the organization at the time of Moro’s kidnapping, Mario Moretti, was working for the Italian or US intelligence services.[18]
Maverick Journalist Killed by President?
Shortly after Moro’s death, Italian journalist, Mino Pecorelli, a man with “excellent secret service contacts,” voiced his suspicion in a 1978 article that Moro’s death was linked to Gladio, which was not officially acknowledged until 1990. A year after Moro’s death, Pecorelli was shot dead in Rome. He claimed that the kidnapping of Moro was committed by a “lucid superpower.” In 2002, former seven-term Prime Minister, Giulio Andreotti, was convicted of “ordering” Pecorelli’s murder.[19] Pecorelli was about to publish a book “containing damaging criticisms of [Prime Minister Giulio] Andreotti by murdered Christian Democratic leader Aldo Moro.”[20]
The Bologna Bombing
On the morning of August 2, 1980, Italy experienced its worst-ever terrorist attack at Bologna train station, which killed 85 people, and wounded more than 200 others. A long and complicated investigation was undertaken, and eventually, a trial began. In 1988, four right-wing terrorists were sentenced to life in prison. Two other defendants were convicted of slandering the investigation, “Francesco Pazienza, a former financier linked to several criminal cases in Italy, and Licio Gelli, the former grandmaster of the so-called P-2 Masonic lodge.”[21] This is the very same Licio Gelli who happened to be a CIA intermediary for the head of Italian intelligence for the Gladio network. Although later on, Gelli was acquitted of the charges.
[1] Bruce W. Nelan, Europe Nato’s Secret Armies. Time Magazine: November 26, 1990:,9171,971772,00.html
2] PHP, Secret Warfare: Operation Gladio and NATO’s Stay-Behind Armies. ISN:
[3] Ed Vulliamy, Secret agents, freemasons, fascists… and a top-level campaign of political ‘destabilisation’. The Guardian: December 5, 1990:
4] Arthur E. Rowse, GLADIO: THE SECRET U.S. WAR TO SUBVERT ITALIAN DEMOCRACY. Covert Action Quarterly: December 1994
[5] PHP, Secret Warfare: Operation Gladio and NATO’s Stay-Behind Armies. ISN:
[6] Philip Willan, US ‘supported anti-left terror in Italy’. The Guardian: June 24, 2000:
[7] CBC, CIA knew, but didn’t stop bombings in Italy – report. CBC News: August 5, 2000:
[8] Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America. University of California Press, 2007: page 181
[9] Philip Willan, Terrorists ‘helped by CIA’ to stop rise of left in Italy. The Guardian: March 26, 2001:
[10] Philip Willan, US ‘supported anti-left terror in Italy’. The Guardian: June 24, 2000:
[11] Philip Willan, Infiltrators blamed for murder of Italian PM. The Guardian: April 10, 1999:,4273,3852325,00.html
[12 – 13] Arthur E. Rowse, GLADIO: THE SECRET U.S. WAR TO SUBVERT ITALIAN DEMOCRACY. Covert Action Quarterly: December 1994
[14] Malcolm Moore, US envoy admits role in Aldo Moro killing. The Telegraph: March 16, 2008:
[15] Saviona Mane, A murder still fresh. Haaretz: May 9, 2008:
[16] Ed Vulliamy, Secret agents, freemasons, fascists… and a top-level campaign of political ‘destabilisation’. The Guardian: December 5, 1990:
[17] Philip Willan, Moro’s ghost haunts political life. The Guardian: May 9, 2003:,,4665179-105806,00.html
[18] Philip Willan, Infiltrators blamed for murder of Italian PM. The Guardian: April 10, 1999:,4273,3852325,00.html
[19] Philip Willan, Moro’s ghost haunts political life. The Guardian: May 9, 2003:,,4665179-105806,00.html
[20] BBC News, Giulio Andreotti: Mr Italy. BBC: October 23, 1999:
[21] AP, Four Get Life in Prison In Bombing in Bologna. The New York Times: July 12, 1988:
Andrew G. Marshall contributed to breaking the Climate Change consensus in a celebrated 2006 article entitled Global Warming A Convenient Lie, in which he challenged the findings underlying Al Gore’s documentary. According to Marshall, ‘as soon as people start to state that “the debate is over”, beware, because the fundamental basis of all sciences is that debate is never over’. Andrew Marshall has also written on the militarization of Central Africa, national security issues and the process of integration of North America. He is also a contributor to He is currently a researcher at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) in Montreal and is studying political science and history at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia.
Sunday, 9 December 2012
herald of the new age or galactic superwave
Hang on to your pants...

Posted 27 November 2009 - 03:38 PM
Thank you tinieblas! I researched a bit more the 26000 years periodic movement of the solar system
and came accross an article discussing the theories of LAViolette, who
as far as i know was the first to propose the SuperWave theory - that
every 13000 years (when we cross the galactic equator?) the earth
recieves a galactic wave that distrupts it's balance. Here is the theory accompanied by evidence found throughout the last 20 years:
LaViolette: Superwave Theory dissertation 1980 – 1983
PAUL A. LaVIOLETTE, PH.D, is author of The Talk of the Galaxy, Earth Under Fire, Genesis of the Cosmos (Beyond the Big Bang), Subquantum Kinetics, and editor of A Systems View of Man. He has also published many original papers in physics, astronomy, climatology, systems theory, and psychology. He received his BA in physics from Johns Hopkins, his MBA from the University of Chicago, and PhD from Portland State University and is currently president of the Starburst Foundation, an interdisciplinary scientific research institute.
The whole dissertation would not be appropriate but we will cover the 15 Main predictions that have subsequently been verified and confirmed.
Prediction No. 1 (1980 – 1983): In his Ph.D. dissertation, LaViolette hypothesized that galactic core explosions recur about every 10,000 years and last for several hundred to a few thousand years. He was the first to suggest such a short recurrence time for galactic core explosions and that our own Galactic core undergoes Seyfert-like explosions with similar frequency.
Subsequent concurrence (1998): In 1988, when presented with Dr. LaViolette’s Galactic explosion hypothesis, astronomer Mark Morris dismissed the idea as having no merit. However, in 1998 after ten years of observation, Morris was quoted as saying that the center of our Galaxy explodes about every 10,000 years with these events each lasting 100 years or so.
Prediction No. 2 (1980 – 83): Dr. LaViolette’s studies concluded that Galactic center cosmic ray volleys interact minimally with interstellar magnetic fields and are able to propagate radially outward along rectilinear trajectories traveling through the Galaxy at near light speed in the form of a coherent, spherical, wave-like volley. He was the first to suggest this idea of a “Galactic superwave.”
Verification (2000): Radio astronomers announce at the January 2000 American Astronomical Society meeting that the synchrotron radio emission radiated from the Galactic center (Sgr A*) is circularly polarized. Scientists present at the meeting concurred with Dr. LaViolette’s suggestion that the circular polarization indicated that cosmic ray electrons were travelling radially away from the Galactic center along straight-line trajectories.
Prediction No. 3 (1980 – 1983): LaViolette concluded that a volley of Galactic cosmic rays had bombarded the Earth and solar system toward the end of the last ice age (ca. 14,000 years BP). Also his findings suggested that other such superwaves had passed us at earlier times and were responsible for triggering the initiation and termination of the ice ages and mass extinctions. He was the first to suggest recurrent highly-frequent cosmic ray bombardment of the Earth.
Verification (1987): Glaciologists discovered beryllium-10 isotope peaks in ice age polar ice. These indicated that the cosmic ray flux on the Earth became very high on several occasions during the last ice age, confirming Dr. LaViolette’s theory that Galactic superwaves have repeatedly passed through our solar system in geologically recent times.
Prediction No. 4 (1980 – 1983): LaViolette hypothesized that large amounts of interstellar dust and frozen cometary debris lie outside the solar system just beyond the heliopause sheath and form a reservoir of material that would have supplied large amounts of cosmic dust during a prehistoric superwave event.
Verification (1992 – 95): Telescope observations revealed the presence of the Kuiper belt, a dense population of cometary bodies encircling the solar system, beginning just beyond the orbit of Neptune and extending outward past the heliopause sheath.
Verification (1999): Observations of the influx of interstellar dust particles using the Ulysses spacecraft lead Markus Landgraf and his team of European Space Agency astronomers to conclude that the solar system is surrounded by a ring of orbiting dust that begins just outside the orbit of Saturn.
Prediction No. 5 (Sept. 1979): LaViolette theorized that if a cosmic ray volley (superwave) had passed by at the end of the ice age, it would have pushed nearby interstellar dust into the solar system. To test this, he began a plan to analyze ice age polar ice for traces of cosmic dust.
Verification (2003): Using data obtained from the Ulysses spacecraft, a group of European Space Agency astronomers led by Markus Landgraf discover that the rate of interstellar dust influx increased three fold from 1997 to 2000 with the approach to solar maximum. They theorize a correlation between solar cycle phase and interstellar dust influx rate, with the influx rate being highest at the time of solar maximum. Such a correlation could explain why the Sun could become locked into an active, dust accreting mode during times of superwave passage.
Verification (2004): Glaciologists find that the concentrations of iridium and platinum in submicron sized “meteoritic smoke” particles present in polar ice are two to three times higher during the last ice age.
Verification (2007): A group of scientists, the Younger Dryas Boundary (YDB) group, reports high levels of extraterrestrial indicators (Ir, Ni, cosmic spherules, microtektites, 3He, fullerenes at the 12,950 yrs b2k Alleröd/Younger Dryas boundary layer that overlies extinct megafauna and Clovis artifacts.
Prediction No. 6 (1981): LaViolette found very high concentrations of tin in several ice age polar ice dust samples, one 50,000 year old sample, in particular, containing 60% of its weight in tin. Elevated concentrations of gold, silver, and antimony as well as the cosmic dust indicators iridium, and nickel were also found in the samples. He theorized that due to the presence of iridium and nickel, this tin-rich dust must be of extraterrestrial origin, possibly coming from an anomalous interstellar source.
Verification (May 2007): A group of cosmochemists report finding high levels of tin (25 – 28%) and copper (1 – 11%) along with ET material indicators platinum and nickel in magnetic separates retrieved from the 12,950 yrs b2k Alleröd/Younger Dryas boundary layer and from Clovis sites. They conclude that the grains bearing these volatile metals are of extraterrestrial origin.
Prediction No. 7 (1981): Having found very high concentrations of tin in several ice age ice core dust samples in association with high levels of iridium, and nickel, LaViolette theorized that this tin-rich dust was of extraterrestrial origin and that if so the tin should have anomalous isotopic ratios.
Verification (Jan. 1984): Geochemists at Curtin University (Australia) in collaboration with LaViolette used a mass spectrometry technique to determine the isotopic ratios of an unirradiated portion of the tin-rich dust sample. They found significant isotopic anomalies in four isotopes thereby confirming LaViolette’s prediction that the tin dust is of extraterrestrial origin. This marked the first time that tin isotopic anomalies had been discovered.
Prediction No. 8 (1983): In his dissertation, LaViolette demonstrated that the last ice age was ended by a 2000 year long global warming which he calls the Terminal Pleistocene Interstadial (TPI) identified with the Alleröd-Bölling interstadial in the north. He also proposed that this was followed by a global return to glacial conditions, identified with the Younger Dryas in the north. He showed that the melting of the ice sheets was synchronous in the northern and southern hemispheres and was brought about by cosmic causes.
Verification (1998): Climatologists (Steig et al.) published findings in Science demonstrating the synchronous occurrence of the Alleröd-Bölling-Younger Dryas climatic oscillation in the Taylor Dome Antarctic ice core. They claimed this as evidence that the last ice age was ended by a global warming. Although they should have been aware of LaViolette’s publications, their report did not cite his prior work.
Prediction No. 9 (1983): In his dissertation, LaViolette proposed that invading cosmic dust would have caused the Sun to become more luminous and engage in continual flaring activity. In chapter 4, he suggested that on one occasion the Earth and Moon may have been engulfed by a large prominence remnant “fireball” (coronal mass ejection) thrown out by the Sun during a period of particularly intense solar activity. He interpreted the findings of Zook and Gold as evidence that the Sun had been in a highly active T-Tauri like flaring state and that at times its flaring activity had been as much as 1000 times currently observed levels. He suggested that these may have scorched the surface of the Earth in ice age times, inducing high temperatures, rapid ice sheet melting, global flooding, and mass animal extinction.
Verification (2008): LaViolette locates the legendary solar conflagration event in Summit, Greenland ice cores. Using correlations to the Cariaco Basin varve chronology, he dates this event at 12,885 years b2k. He finds that it is marked by a sudden increase in atmospheric radiocarbon concentration which occurs together with a climatic warming climate in Greenland changing from glacial to interglacial temperatures within less than two years. He finds that the event is also associated with an increase of ammonium, oxylate, and formate ion, which is indicative of a period of global biomass combustion. This suggests that this is the time of the conflagration that produced the Usselo Horizon. He also finds that it occurs together with an acidity ECM spike lasting less than a month as well as a rise of nitrate ion, both being indicators of a dramatic rise in the influx of solar cosmic rays.
Prediction No. 10 (1983): In chapter 3 of his dissertation, LaViolette proposed that geomagnetic reversals are induced by solar cosmic ray storms. He proposed that at times when invading cosmic dust causes the Sun to become very active and engage in continual flaring activity, major solar outbursts could occur that are a thousand times more intense than those currently observed. Further he proposed that solar cosmic rays from such a mega flare could impact the Earth’s magnetosphere, become trapped there to form storm-time radiation belts, and generate an equatorial ring current producing a magnetic field opposed to the Earth’s. If sufficiently intense, this ring current magnetic field could cancel out the Earth’s own field and flip the residual magnetic field pole to an equatorial location. From this position it could later either recover or adopt a reversed polarity. He proposed that this geomagnetic excursion would be very rapid, occurring in a matter of days.
Concordance (1995): Unaware of LaViolette’s publications, two French geophysicists published a paper that sought to explain the Steens Mountain polarity reversal as being due to a solar cosmic ray cause. Their mechanism was the same as that which LaViolette had proposed 6 years before the Steens Mountain discovery. Their independent arrival at the same idea is evidence of parallel idea development and consensus with LaViolette’s earlier theory.
Verification (1994, 1995): McHargue, et al. discover Be-10 anomalies in ocean sediments at 32 kyr and 43 kyrs BP, contemporaneous with the Mono Lake and Laschamp geomagnetic excursions. Unaware of LaViolette’s publications, they suggest they were caused by the passage of supernova shock fronts during a time of unprecidented long-term solar activity.
Prediction No. 11 (1983): Anomalously young radiocarbon dates are frequently found in fossil remains of Pleistocene megafauna that became extinct at the end of the last ice age. In chapter 10 of his dissertation, LaViolette proposed that a solar cosmic ray conflagration caused the demise of these mammals and their subsequent burial by the action of glacier meltwater waves. He suggested that the neutron shower produced by the intense solar cosmic ray storm (coronal mass ejection) that engulfed the Earth would have radiogenically changed nitrogen atoms in animal collagen into carbon-14 atoms. He proposed that this in situ radiocarbon generation could have made the radiocarbon dates on exposed organic matter anomalously young.
Concordance (2000 – 2004): Additional evidence comes from analysis of the varved sediments from the Cariaco Basin off the coast of Venezuela and from Icelandic ocean sediments showing a 9 percent rise in C-14 during the time of the megafaunal extinction, from 13,500 – 12,800 years b2k, and on several previous occasions, including a 90 percent rise in radiocarbon concentration that climaxed around 40,000 yrs b2k after having progressively risen for a period of 5000 years. The events coincide with times when the atmospheric beryllium-10 production rate also rose to high levels.
Prediction No. 12 (1983): LaViolette proposes that much of the glacial drift deposited at the end of the last ice age was laid down by glacier waves issuing from the upper surfaces of the ice sheets. These are water outbursts far larger than the glacier bursts seen today issuing from mountain glaciers.
Verification (1988): German scientist Harmut Heinrich calls attention to North Atlantic ocean sediment layers composed primarily of rock grains of continental bedrock origin that had been transported distances of up to 3000 kilometers prior to their deposition. Subsequent investigations uncovered evidence that these “Heinrich layers” were deposited suddenly. Heinrich advances a theory that this material was transported by drifting and melting ice bergs. However, not all are satisfied with this explanation which fails to explain the suddenness of the deposition events. In 2001 (Galactic Superwaves CDROM), LaViolette shows that Heinrich events correlate with times of climatic warming and that these layers are evidence of long-range sediment transport by glacier waves. He shows that Heinrich layer 0 correlates with accelerated glacier wave discharge activity he proposed was occurring around 12,700 years BP and that Heinrich layer 1 spans the Pre-Bölling Interstadial which began the deglaciation phase.
Prediction No. 13 (1983): In his dissertation, LaViolette proposed that a superwave produced by an explosion of our Galaxy’s core could be immediately preceded by a very strong gamma ray pulse, 10,000 times stronger than what could come from a supernova explosion. He pointed out that upon impacting our upper atmosphere this burst could strip electrons and induce a powerful electromagnetic pulse which, like a high-altitude nuclear EMP, could have serious consequences for modern society. It could knock out satellites, interrupt radio, TV, and telephone communication, produce electrical surges on power lines causing widespread black outs, and possibly trigger the inadvertent launching of missiles. He was among the few to suggest that Galactic core explosions could produce high intensity gamma ray outbursts that could affect the Earth.
In 1989, under the sponsorship of the Starburst Foundation, LaViolette initiated an international outreach project, to warn about the dangers of such astronomical phenomena. He pointed out that our Galactic center could produce seriously disruptive low intensity outbursts as frequently as once every 500 years and that we are currently overdue for one. This was the first time a widespread gamma ray pulse warning of this sort had been made.
Verification (1997): In December 1997, astronomers for the first time pinpointed the source of a gamma ray burst and found that it originated from a galaxy lying billions of light years away. This led them to conclude that these are mostly extragalactic events having total energies millions of times greater than they had previously supposed, thereby confirming LaViolette’s earlier proposal of the existence of high intensity gamma ray bursts. If this particular outburst had originated from our Galactic center, it would have delivered 100,000 times the lethal dose to all exposed Earth life forms.
Verification (1998): Some months later, in August 27, 1998, a 5 minute long gamma ray pulse arrived from a Galactic source located 20,000 light years away in the constellation of Aquila. The event was strong enough to ionize the upper atmosphere and seriously disrupt satellites and spacecraft. It triggered a defensive instrument shutdown on at least two spacecraft. Astronomers acknowledged that this marked the first time they became aware that energetic outbursts from distant astronomical sources could affect the Earth’s physical environment. These events reaffirmed the validity of warnings LaViolette made 9 years earlier about the potential hazards of such gamma ray bursts.
Prediction No. 14 (1980 – 1983): In his dissertation, LaViolette proposes that quasars and blazars are the bright cores of spiral galaxies in which the light from the core is so bright that it masks the dimmer light coming from the galaxy’s disk. He suggests that quasars and blazars are essentially the same core explosion phenomenon that is seen in Seyfert galaxies and N-galaxies. He predicts that when it eventually becomes operational the Hubble Telescope will resolve the disks around these bright cores. He also suggests that edge-on spiral galaxies with active cores would give the appearance of being giant elliptical galaxies due to synchrotron radiation emitted from their outward streaming cosmic rays. In connection with this, he predicts that when active giant ellipticals are imaged with the Hubble Telescope, spiral arm dust lanes oriented edge-on will be detected.
Verification (1995, 1997): Astronomers publish the results of a survey which imaged quasars using the Hubble Space Telescope. These quasars (luminous cores) are seen to be surrounded by spiral arm disks, just as LaViolette had predicted. Earlier in 1982 a group of astronomers had resolved galactic light fuzz around quasar 3C273 using a special imaging technique. This was published after the date of LaViolette’s prediction. In 1997 NASA astronomers release a photo of an active giant elliptical galaxy that resolves its equatorial dust lane and shows that it is oriented edge-on as LaViolette had predicted.
Prediction No. 15 (1979): LaViolette discovered that the ancient star lore connected with the Sagittarius and Scorpius constellations indicated the location of the Galactic center, conveyed the idea of an explosive outburst, and specified a significant past date of 13,865 ± 150 years B.C. which also is encoded in the ancient Egyptian Dendereh zodiac. Also LaViolette found that myths, customs and esoteric lore descendent from prehistoric times indicated that cosmic rays from a Galactic core explosion catastrophically affect the Earth and solar system in recurrent cycles with the most recent event occurring near the end of the last ice age. He wrote up this idea in an unpublished paper in 1979 and formally published these ideas in 1995 and 1997 in his books Beyond the Big Bang and Earth Under Fire. In Earth Under Fire he also connected Mayan cosmology and World Ages with the Galactic center and Galactic superwave events. He began discovering these associations around 1987.
Concordance (2000): LaViolette discovered evidence indicating that the largest acidity spike in the entire Antarctic ice core record was of extraterrestrial origin, possibly produced by a major incursion of interstellar or cometary dust; see paper posted at solar.html. The date of this event, beginning 13,880 B.C. and tailing off 13,785 B.C., closely corresponds to the date encoded in zodiac star lore marking the arrival of a galactic superwave.
Here is the article:
Galactic wave every 13000 years
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
divide and conquer
... I’ve accidentally stumbled upon a subculture of men who’ve told me, in no uncertain terms, that they’re never getting married. When I ask them why, the answer is always the same: Women aren’t women anymore....
...It is precisely this dynamic – women good/men bad – that has destroyed the relationship between the sexes. Yet somehow, men are still to blame when love goes awry. Heck, men have been to blame since feminists first took to the streets in the 1970s.
But what if the dearth of good men, and ongoing battle of the sexes, is – hold on to your seats – women’s fault?
You’ll never hear that in the media. All the articles and books (and television programs, for that matter) put women front and center, while men and children sit in the back seat. But after decades of browbeating the American male, men are tired. Tired of being told there’s something fundamentally wrong with them. Tired of being told that if women aren’t happy, it’s men’s fault.
This planet is a prison and you dont know that.
Monday, 19 November 2012
Dr Peter Beter and the 3 rival factions for world dominance

The Three Rival Factions for World Power
Decades ago Franklin D. Roosevelt said: "Nothing in politics ever happens
by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
Decades earlier Benjamin Disraeli, famed as the Victorian-era Prime Minister
of Britain, wrote: "The world is governed by people far different from those
imagined by the public."
Taken together, these two statements illustrate the basic premise which
underlies all of the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER tape reports. This premise is that
major events in politics, economics and international relations are the products
of deliberate moves by largely unseen power factions in the world. All of
these factions seek to increase their influence over us, the general population
of the world. Each one also wishes to increase its own power at the expense of
the other power factions.
Thus there is an ongoing power struggle of titanic dimensions which
constantly shapes the news, yet which is little understood--indeed
unsuspected--by most people. If these forces are not recognized or understood,
current events are inherently baffling, no matter how diligently one may follow
the news. This leaves even the best-educated and most intelligent of persons
vulnerable to manipulation to suit the purposes of those who pull the strings
behind the scenes. By contrast, if the largely unseen forces are known and
understood, major events become far more understandable and even, to some
extent, predictable. Those informed about these things become far less
vulnerable and more difficult to fool by manipulated news and news events.
To choose just one of the many dramatic examples from the AUDIO LETTER
series, consider the Guyana Massacre at Jonestown in November, 1978. From
start to finish, the Guyana story was filled with anomalies, unanswered
questions, conflicting government statements, and news reports that did not
quite add up. It began with the slaughter of a U.S. Congressman and
accompanying newsmen, yet there was never a subsequent congressional
investigation. The victims died of cyanide poisoning, an excruciating death
which leaves the face contorted in agony, yet the victims were found arranged in
neat, peaceful-looking rows...face-down. A few days after the massive infusion
of American military teams supposedly for clean-up operations, there were sudden
huge jumps in body-bag counts. Hurried explanations by Pentagon spokesmen were
so incredible that they were withdrawn and replaced by different stories.
These and many more oddities about the Guyana episode were never resolved, but
simply left to fade away from the public memory with time. For those unaware
of the behind-the-scenes forces at work in the world, Guyana will remain forever if events so bizarre, major and chilling can happen for no
reason at all.
The key missing ingredient in all the news reports about Guyana was the
existence of a secret Soviet intermediate-range missile base, not far from
Jonestown. Dr. Beter had reported publicly about the base on many occasions
for over four years prior to the sudden headlines from Guyana. He had also
reported on the collapse of a cooperative arrangement formerly in effect between
the true rulers of the United States and those of the Soviet Union. These were
the factors which led directly to the Jonestown tragedy--a mass murder, staged
as a cover to enable covert military action against the Russian missile base.
Within days after the Jonestown tragedies, Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER #40 made
public exactly what had taken place and why. In that tape Dr. Beter answered
in detail questions which otherwise remain unanswered to this day.
Over the course of the 80 AUDIO LETTER tape reports, Dr. Beter reveals that
three primary power factions are at work in the world today:
1. The Rockefeller Cartel
2. The Bolshevik-Zionist Axis
3. The New Kremlin Rulers
These factions as such have existed for the past century or so, and their
relationships with one another have been in a constant state of flux. Their
roots, however, are much older and can be traced backward in time for many
The Rockefeller Cartel
The Rockefeller Cartel is the first of the three great power factions to be
dealt with extensively in the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER reports, for at least two
reasons. First, while its scope is worldwide, it is headquartered in the
United States. Second, it was indisputably the most powerful of the three
factions when Dr. Beter began recording his AUDIO LETTER reports in 1975. This
situation changed dramatically later on.
The Rockefeller Cartel today embraces several hundred of the world's largest
multinational corporations--big oil, big banking and big business. It is a new
kind of empire, with economic assets so great as to be beyond effective control
by mere governments. Its headquarters are American, but its perspective is
global, with allegiance neither to the United States nor to any other country.
It is an empire unto itself.
What is today the Rockefeller Cartel was started over a century ago by John
D. Rockefeller, Sr. By his well-known cutthroat business tactics Rockefeller
created the Standard Oil trust and made himself America's first billionaire by
the turn of the century.
Such blatantly unethical practices led to public opposition which culminated
in the Supreme Court decree of 1911 dissolving the Standard Oil trust. By
then, however, Rockefeller was becoming more sophisticated, finding ways to hide
the true extent of his wealth and power while continuing to expand it. The
"trust-busting" era had little lasting effect: by the use of nominees and other
devices it was possible to retain effective control and coordination of the
superficially dismantled Standard Oil empire.
Throughout the Twentieth Century, from World War I onward, Rockefeller
economic power has translated increasingly into Rockefeller political power.
This, in turn, has been used to increase Rockefeller economic power still
further. For example, oil has played a key role in all of America's major wars
of this century, with the Rockefeller oil interests profiting handsomely. Yet
this role has been generally obscured both in current news accounts during each
war and in historical accounts written later on. The obscuring of key
information of this type is a symptom of Rockefeller power expansion into the
realms of journalism and teaching. Power is always most secure when it is not
recognized, so every effort is made to keep information about it from becoming
In a related vein, Rockefeller-style "public relations" has been developed
and refined since the turn of the century for similarly deceptive purposes. It
began when John D. Rockefeller, Sr., famous primarily for his greed, started
changing his image by handing out dimes to people he chanced to meet on the
street. At the same time he also began making donations to charitable causes,
always with great fanfare and publicity, to curry public favor as an alleged
philanthropist. This led to the creation of tax-exempt foundations: these
enabled Rockefeller money to be invested in organizations which looked
philanthropic, yet which were actually avenues for further expanding Rockefeller
power. The Rockefeller-controlled major foundations have been used to
transform American life and values in directions which make America more
susceptible to Rockefeller control. At the same time, the foundations serve an
invaluable purpose as a disguised means for interlocking the various business
interests which constitute the Rockefeller Cartel.
John D. Rockefeller, Sr., founded a true dynasty, passing on his plans and
programs to be carried on by succeeding generations. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,
carried forward the Rockefeller program of ever-expanding power with particular
emphasis upon subverting the Christian faith which, historically, is the
foundation of basic American ideals. But it was the Rockefeller "Third
Generation" who expanded and developed the Rockefeller Cartel to its zenith of
power. Of the six members of the Third Generation, sister Abby and brother
Winthrop did not much care for the grand plan (although Winthrop did become
Governor of Arkansas). But the other four brothers--John D. 3rd, Nelson,
Laurance and David--threw themselves with crafty zest into the project of
expanding the Rockefeller empire. They carved up the world into spheres of
influence, each concentrating upon his own areas but coordinating his actions
with the others. They worked together as a unit, and throughout his AUDIO
LETTER tapes Dr. Beter often refers to them simply as "the four Rockefeller
From about World War II onward, it was the four Rockefeller brothers who held
the reins of what had become the worldwide Rockefeller Empire. It was they who
created the modern multinational corporation, and used American taxpayer money
under the guise of "foreign aid" after World War Il to build up their corporate
empire worldwide. World War II had been fought over Saudi Arabian oil, and it
gave them an unprecedented financial windfall. The Rockefeller oil companies
obtained Saudi oil at a net cost (after charge-backs and various devices) of
about 5 cents per barrel for nearly 30 years, until the Arab oil embargo of 1973
finally put a halt to it. The awesome profits generated by Saudi Arabian oil
enabled the Rockefeller brothers to buy up much of the industrial base of the
United States, Europe and Japan. At the same time Rockefeller power throughout
Latin America, which had been established by Nelson Rockefeller during World War
II, was expanded and deepened during the postwar years. John D. Rockefeller,
3rd, masterminded the Rockefeller Cartel economic takeover of much of black
Africa: revolutions created black governments which, lacking expertise, had to
turn to Rockefeller multinational corporations to "manage" their resources.
Laurance Rockefeller busied himself with control of America's aerospace and
defense industry, major airlines, and massaging the stock market. David, the
youngest but most powerful, became the kingpin of the Rockefeller banking empire
whose tentacles reach into business circles the world over. He also
specialized in intelligence matters, although Nelson also was involved in this
For decades the four Rockefeller brothers had things pretty much their own
way. They made plans, set up timetables, and generally carried them out
without a hitch. But by the time Dr. Beter launched his AUDIO LETTER tape
report series, the Rockefeller brothers were beginning to show signs of slippage
in their power. They had made mistakes, and some of their timetables were
starting to slide. During 1974-75 they were tripped up in certain plans by
partial public exposure of massive irregularities surrounding America's monetary
gold supply. Next during 1976-77 their long-standing secret alliance with the
Kremlin fell apart, as their former allies--the Bolsheviks--were overthrown by a
new ruling group in Russia. The four Rockefeller brothers made the mistake of
welcoming expelled Bolsheviks from Russia into positions of power here in the
United States. This led by early 1979 to the overthrow of the four Rockefeller
brothers by the Bolsheviks here. First John D. Rockefeller, 3rd, died in an
alleged auto "accident" in July 1978. Then in late January 1979, Nelson
Rockefeller was murdered in the beginning of a full-fledged Bolshevik coup
d'etat behind the scenes.
Today the Rockefeller Cartel is no longer under the direct control of the
Rockefeller family as it was under the four Rockefeller brothers, but it remains
a formidable force. As Dr. Beter ended his AUDIO LETTER report series in
November 1982, the regrouped Rockefeller Cartel was gradually regaining some of
its lost power in a bitter struggle against the Bolsheviks here.
The Bolshevik-Zionist Axis
In 1917, during the height of World War I, two events took place which were
destined to shape much of the history of the Twentieth Century. One was the
Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. The other was the Balfour Declaration, by
which the government of Britain threw its support behind the concept of creating
a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
Both Bolshevism and the political force known as Zionism have common roots
which are not widely known. Both were created by the Rothschild interests,
whose support was also responsible for the meteoric rise to riches of John D.
Rockefeller, Sr., a century ago. Bolshevism and Zionism also have common
historical roots in the so-called "Kingdom of the Jews" of a thousand years ago.
This kingdom was situated in what is now southern Russia, between the Black
and Caspian Seas. It consisted of a people known as the Khazars of a
Mongol-Turkic origin whose leader officially adopted Judaism as the state
religion. This was done as a political ploy to enable Khazaria to maintain its
political independence of two powerful neighbors. These were the super-powers
of that day: the Moslem empire of the Caliphs to the South and the Christian
empire of Byzantium to the west.
Prior to the official adoption of Judaism, the Khazars were a brutal and
warlike people. This did not change when they took upon themselves the
politically inspired title of "Jews." The Khazar empire extended far northward
into what, under Christian Prince Vladimir, became known as Russia. The Khazar
empire even included the ancient Russian city of Kiev, where Vladimir ruled.
Khazar rule was brutal and oppressive, without any of the compensating
advantages offered by other empires, such as protection against outside powers
or improved civilization. Finally the Christian forces of Prince Vladimir's
Russia and Byzantium combined to attack the Khazar "Kingdom of the Jews",
so-called, and utterly destroy it. The Khazar "Jews" were driven out of their
homeland between the seas, many of them into eastern Europe. There they
mingled to some extent with Jews of the diaspora from Palestine, but they
carried with them a peculiar heritage. It was a heritage of bitter hatred for
Christianity in general and for Russian Christians in particular.
Down through the centuries, the "Khazar Jew" dream of regaining their lost
empire has been passed down from generation to generation. This dream has
developed into two branches. One branch emphasizes restoration of power over
Russia, and crystallized into Bolshevism. The other branch, emphasizing the
old, falsely religious "Kingdom of the Jews" concept, emerged as the political
force known as Zionism. Both are aimed at world power. Both are equally
ruthless, devoid of regard for human life. They differ only in geographic
emphasis and in some tactics. With their common roots and common basic
objectives, the Bolsheviks and Zionists work together hand in glove.
When Bolshevism was injected into Christian Russia in 1917, it was done with
the help of the Rockefeller Cartel. From that time onward there was a covert
alliance between those who controlled American policies behind the scenes (the
Rockefeller Cartel) and those who ran the Soviet Union (the Bolsheviks). The
Rockefeller Standard Oil interests were given control over marketing of the oil
from the giant Russian Baku oil fields in 1926. Over the years, the
Rockefeller Cartel saw to it that the Bolshevik regime in Russia was propped up
in every way necessary to keep it in power.
While the United States and the Soviet Union pretended to be at odds, they
actually were involved in a pincers movement to gobble up the entire world.
The falsified animosity between Washington and Moscow was staged in order to
polarize the world and cause nations to form up into two camps dominated by the
two super-powers. Those who chose to remain independent of both the United
States and the Soviet Union--the so-called "Third World"--were targeted for
brushfire wars and revolutions to bring them to heel, one by one. Meanwhile
the long-term goal was--in the words of a secret White House directive--"to so
alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with life in
the Soviet Union." In this way, an all-powerful "one world" government would
ultimately be achieved. That was to be the fulfillment of a "commitment"
established early in the Twentieth Century by the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace and allied foundations in the Rockefeller orbit.
In order to "merge" American life into the pattern of Soviet life under the
Bolsheviks, it was clear that the quality of American life would have to be
lowered a great deal. It required subtle movement of the American political
system in the direction of dictatorship. It required weakening of America's
financial and monetary system. And to bring about the radical changes desired,
it meant wars with the United States carefully maneuvered into a losing
position. America's first no-win war was the Korean War. A decade later,
America became embroiled in the losing Vietnam War, which was artificially
dragged out with all possibilities for military victory vetoed by the White
The final war was to be a carefully programmed "Nuclear War I", fought
primarily on American soil, between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Plans called for it to erupt in the late 1970's, but developments in Russia
changed that. The Bolsheviks who had run the Kremlin since 1917 were the
targets of a decades-long overthrow campaign by a tough sect of native Russian
Christians. Their power had begun to outweigh that of the Bolsheviks in
certain areas starting in 1953, when Stalin died. This was the reason for
Nikita Khruschev's famous "de-Stalinization" campaign afterward. In the
mid-1970's this anti-Bolshevik sect finally reached such a level of power that
they completely overthrew and expelled the remaining Bolsheviks in the Kremlin.
There followed a heavy wave of expulsions of Bolsheviks from positions of power
in Russia, which was depicted in the Western press as emigration.
As the Bolsheviks were losing their grip on Russia, so-called detente fell on
hard times. The Rockefeller-Soviet alliance had been based on Bolshevik
control on the Soviet side, and when that was terminated, so was the secret
alliance. The alliance was fractured by the still-secret Underwater Missile
Crisis of 1976; a year later it was broken completely by the equally secret
Battle of the Harvest Moon in space.
At that point the four Rockefeller brothers made a fatal mistake. Since
their former secret allies in the Soviet Union had been the Bolsheviks, they
welcomed the expelled Bolsheviks from Russia into positions of power here in the
United States. They reasoned that the expelled Bolsheviks would know the weak
spots of the upstart new group who had taken over the Kremlin and could help the
Rockefeller Cartel deal with them.
What the Rockefeller brothers forgot is that the Bolsheviks are incapable of
sharing power with anyone. Worse yet, the Bolsheviks are state socialists, who
seek to concentrate all power into the hands of a few (themselves) by way of
government. The Rockefeller Cartel, by contrast, represents corporate
socialism--the concentration of power into the hands of a few by way of
corporations, with minimum governmental interference. Both seek the same goal,
but by means which are diametrically opposed. They cannot coexist within the
same society.
The Bolsheviks no sooner acquired positions of power here in the United
States than they began using it to topple the four Rockefeller brothers. By
mid-1978, Bolshevik influence within the Pentagon was causing a radical shift of
American strategic policy onto a first-strike nuclear posture. Meanwhile in
July 1978, the death of John D. Rockefeller, 3rd, took place, weakening what had
been the four-brother unit. In November 1978 the Guyana Massacre took place,
as part of a military operation masterminded by the Pentagon Bolsheviks and with
crucial participation by Israeli commandoes. Then in January 1979, the all-out
Bolshevik grab for power began with the murder of Nelson Rockefeller.
During the first few months of 1979, Rockefeller power over the United States
Government was shattered by the Bolsheviks here. However, the Bolsheviks were
stopped short of complete success in their takeover bid by the intervention of
Russia's KGB. The new Kremlin rulers knew that a complete takeover by the
Bolsheviks here would lead quickly to nuclear war, and they acted to prevent it.
Even so, Bolshevik control over the Pentagon has been strong ever since early
1979, onward through the end of the AUDIO LETTER series in late 1982.
A fierce power struggle is underway within the United States Government
between the now entrenched Bolsheviks and the Rockefeller Cartel, which is
trying to take back its former power. In addition, a limited new quid pro quo
against the Bolsheviks was established by the Rockefeller Cartel and the New
Kremlin early in 1982. The Cartel and the Kremlin still have some accounts to
settle with each other, but both are deadly enemies of the Bolsheviks. To
destroy them, they have agreed to work together in certain ways.
The Bolsheviks here in the United States have as a major goal a deliberate
nuclear war by which to smash the Russia which overthrew them. As an avenue
toward that war, the Middle East is critical. In that area, the Bolsheviks
here are relying upon their close allies, the Zionists, to pave the way for war.
Just as most Americans are unaware of the Bolshevized nature of their
government, most Israeli citizens are unaware of the true goals of their Zionist
government. Americans and Israelis alike scratch their heads with worry and
puzzlement over actions of their respective governments. While constantly
talking peace, both are systematically increasing the dangers of war.
The radical Zionist regime in power in Israel from 1977 onward is headed by
men who were terrorists in the 1940's. Today, as heads of the world's third
most powerful military power, they continue to practice terrorism but on a
grander scale. Theirs is a doctrine of military terrorism, designed to lead
deliberately to new and wider conflicts as the map of Israel grows steadily.
The country which calls itself "Israel" today bears little resemblance to the
promises of the small but vocal Zionist minority who brought about the Balfour
Declaration in 1917. The peaceful, tranquil haven for oppressed Jews does not
exist. Instead, the dire warnings published in 1919 by a galaxy of prominent
anti-Zionist American Jews have been fulfilled in the bloody history of Zionist
The New Kremlin Rulers
Dr. Beter first revealed in late 1977 that a new, non-Bolshevik ruling group
had taken the reins of top power in the Soviet Union. In the autumn of 1978,
he devoted a complete AUDIO LETTER tape (#38) to a special report on Russia and
her new rulers.
To those who depend upon pronouncements of the United States Government for
their image of Russia, Dr. Beter's reports about the New Kremlin tend to come as
a distinct shock. Unlike the atheistic, Satanic Bolsheviks recently
overthrown, Russia's new top rulers are members of a sect of native Russian
Christians. This sect is at least two centuries old, and at times had
considerable influence with the Czars.
Dr. Beter cautions his listeners not to assume that the New Kremlin rulers
look at everything in the same way as Western Christians might. For one thing,
he points out that it required a patient, arduous campaign of six decades for
them to oust the Bolsheviks from top power in Russia. That experience has left
them with very definite, vivid opinions about what does and does not work when
dealing with people like the Bolsheviks and Zionists. They also know that
rapid, radical change of any type opens the door for revolution--and where there
is revolution, Bolshevik-Zionist agents will be there to exploit it. They are
introducing liberalizing changes in Russia gradually, one step at a time.
Having come this far, they are trying not to move too fast and thereby risk
allowing it all to be undone.
Even so, visible changes are occurring. Early in 1979 the first legal
shipment of Bibles into Russia since the Bolshevik Revolution took place. That
Easter, Handel's Messiah was performed in Russia for the first time since the
Bolshevik Revolution--and not in some out-of-the-way place, but at the Moscow
Conservatory. Churches are reopening, one by one, all over the Soviet
Union--and they are packed, as Dr. Billy Graham told the world upon returning
from a Moscow religious conference in May 1982.
For saying what he did about what he had seen of religion in Russia, Dr.
Graham ran into a hostile reception here in the United States. The Satanic
Bolsheviks who now dominate the United States Government are doing everything in
their power to paint Russia as an enemy worthy of hate. Anything which
interferes with that image is suppressed. Because someday, the Bolsheviks here
want America to go to war against Russia.
Chinese discover fake American gold
The counterfeit story
This October, bankers in Hong Kong were in for a rude shock when they discovered some gold bars from the US to be actually gold plated tungsten i.e., fake gold bars. Acting fast, the Chinese officials found the perpetrators within hours. It seems that fake Tungsten blanks, between 1.3 and 1.5 million 400 oz, were manufactured in the US about fifteen years ago during the Clinton administration. Said to have been done by a very sophisticated refiner, 640,000 of these tungsten planks were gold plated and shifted to Fort Knox. The remaining also gold plated, but sold into the international market. (Fort Knox , as you may be aware, is the United States Bullion Depository, where the official gold reserves of the federal government are stored. This depository of about 4,603 tons (4 176 metric tonness) is the second highest gold depository in the US after the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's underground vault in Manhattan (5,000 metric tonness of gold). Whoever pulled this one on the gold bars had connections inside the government, big banks and also a top-of-the-line fabrication facility. For, counterfeit is not something new for the US government, it did this is 1964 when zinc dimes clad in silver were introduced. That's why the pre 1964 coins are valued more. Elsewhere, early this year, another counterfeit story made rounds as some of the gold bars in the vaults of the National bank of Ethiopia were found to be gold plated steel. It made news when the shipment of gold was returned by South Africa. It only could have been the work of a genius as fake gold bars made of steel are among the easiest to detect as they are lighter. Among gold coins, 22k Gold coins such as Krugerrand, are less likely to be counterfeited because the density of 22k gold minted from gold alloy that is 91.67 percent pure, is far apart from that of tungsten. Tungsten has the same density (19.25g/cm3) as gold, so a fake bar is indistinguishable by weighing it. In comparison the density of pure 24k gold is within 0.26% of tungsten.Physical comparison of 24k, 22k gold and tungsten | |||
Gold Purity | Density (g/cm3) | Density difference from tungsten | Dimension difference of bar with same weight |
Tungsten | 19.25 | 0% | 0% |
24K Gold | 19.3 | 0.26% | 0.0017% |
22K Gold | 18.43 | 4.25% | 0.0077% |
The table above illustrates that although tungsten's density is within 0.26% of pure gold making it nearly impossible to detect, it is nearly 5% heavier than the 22 karat gold of Krugerrands. The dimension differences of a counterfeited 22 karat coin would have to be 6 times larger than those of a pure gold coin to weight the same. So one is 6 times more likely to detect a counterfeited 22k coin or piece of jewellery than a counterfeited pure gold bar through simple measurement. So just by weighing the coins you would tell a difference. So why aren't so many fake coins in the market? Coins are more liquid and circulated; they change hands more readily so it's more likely a fake one will be detected. Gold bars on the other hands are given as little exposure to human hands as possible (fear of theft). They are conveyed in armored trucks, their serial numbers are exchanged and they're stacked away in a vault never to see the light of day again. Their credibility relies on a piece of paper and paper is easy to forge. Also the labor involved in making fake coins does not make it as worth a criminal's time as a gold bar. (it costs $50,000 to make a fake $400,000 gold bar because of the real gold coating and the labor). Gold coins have lots of details including the number of ridges on the sides etc..and there are a lot of numismatic aficionados out there to tell a real from a fake.
Tungsten: the perfect gold substitute
Tungsten is a steel-gray metal found in shallow rectangular deposits. It has a very high melting point and is brittle making it hard to work with when it's raw. Today, companies like Chinatungsten use Tungsten in jewellery making and in memorial coins. Chinatungsten even offers tungsten alloy as gold substitute. Chinatungsten even brags, on its website, about being an "accustomed experts in fabricating tungsten bars and discs coated with gold."It's a large scale operation, indeed. The question is since only high-end refineries could manufacture the counterfeit, could it be them? Not that the Chinese have ever made fake copies of anything. And incidentally, China is the leading producer of Tungsten in the world.
Counterfeit coins and gold trading
Well then, on to the impact of counterfeit coins on gold trading: GLD ETF is the case in point. GLD ETF ( StreetTracks Gold Shares), was born just five years ago in November 2004 and is the first ETF in the US to allow stock traders to directly gain price exposure to a physical commodity (gold and silver). Stock investors could buy assets to track the price of gold, get immediate and easy knowledge about gold then speculate-buy or sell. It is the second largest in the world behind SPY, with a mammoth 1117 metric tonnes of gold bullion in trust worth for share holders. GLD, in fact has more gold bullion than the central banks of China, Switzerland, Japan, Europe and India.The influence of GLD is such that its trading activity can affect the global prices directly. So, are they going to drill all their bars to tell the real ones from the fake ones? Are they going to tell anyone if there is even just one fake gold bar somewhere? What will happen to investors billions if it turns out they hold fake gold? GLD finds a distinction between 'gold' and 'investment in gold'. And it's not clear what these investments in gold are, and they could be anything even remotely related to gold. It leaves none the wiser as there are no independent third party audits. The value of the fund will have to be de-pegged from the value of real gold if it doesn't hold real gold and will likely collapse and with it the billions in retirement investment. People affected would be more as there may be more than one person owning the same asset and hence no automatic right to physical holding.
Just check out some of the 'risk factors' mentioned in the prospectus of GLD: "The Trust's gold may be subject to loss, damage, theft or restriction on access. "
"The Trust may not have adequate sources of recovery if its gold is lost, damaged, stolen or destroyed and recovery may be limited, even in the event of fraud, to the market value of the gold at the time the fraud is discovered."
"The ability of the Trustee and the Custodian to take legal action against subcustodians may be limited, which increases the possibility that the Trust may suffer a loss if a subcustodian does not use due care in the safekeeping of the Trust's gold."
If at all anything happens, GLD can easily shake off its role in the whole game. Still, no one is ready to bet on a collapse of the gold market, yet. Further, UBS and Goldman and Sachs predict gold prices rising this year. Meanwhile, India the world's largest gold consumer has bought 200 metric tons of Gold from IMF, to protect against the weakening dollar. And China, Brazil and Russia are expected to buy the rest of the gold offered by IMF of about 403.3 tonnes.
So, to the question asked in the earlier part about gold as long term investment, should one still track the price of gold? Yes, on reliable derivatives like After all, it's better to be wise than lucky.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
All a bit heavy, isn't it?
Never mind, you'll be alright.
You could justify to yourself that all it would take is a bunch of AK47's and some selective executions but ultimately you'd have to shoot yourself, following the logic.
As you read and read in fascinated horror the truth behind the lies you feel it crushing in on you. The enormity of the machine of which you are a tiny part of seems ominous and yet oddly comforting. There is no escape for it is not a machine. It is us.
Scrutinize yourself closely enough and you will see that it is human nature and it is your nature and my nature. There is nothing shocking about global corporations killing indigenous cultures and raping the earth, apart from the scale and chilling efficiency it is just a reflection, the macrocosm and the microcosm.
So who do you fight? Where do you seek justice?
Fight yourself, bring yourself to justice.
The micro is a reflection of the macro and vice versa, fractals and Fibonacci.
Learn to live without the peripherals and the peripherals will die when we dont feed them.
When they are gone we wont miss them.
We will have a wider vision.
Never mind, you'll be alright.
You could justify to yourself that all it would take is a bunch of AK47's and some selective executions but ultimately you'd have to shoot yourself, following the logic.
As you read and read in fascinated horror the truth behind the lies you feel it crushing in on you. The enormity of the machine of which you are a tiny part of seems ominous and yet oddly comforting. There is no escape for it is not a machine. It is us.
Scrutinize yourself closely enough and you will see that it is human nature and it is your nature and my nature. There is nothing shocking about global corporations killing indigenous cultures and raping the earth, apart from the scale and chilling efficiency it is just a reflection, the macrocosm and the microcosm.
So who do you fight? Where do you seek justice?
Fight yourself, bring yourself to justice.
The micro is a reflection of the macro and vice versa, fractals and Fibonacci.
Learn to live without the peripherals and the peripherals will die when we dont feed them.
When they are gone we wont miss them.
We will have a wider vision.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
American Mutiny.
military planned mutiny on the Bounty to topple Obama
Mon Oct
29, 2012 4:41PM GMT
By Gordon
His real
intent is to occupy Iraq and attack Iran. In the process, America intends on
“neutralizing” the nuclear capability of Pakistan.
This is
the plan, it is known, not just in the Department of Defense, but by all
intelligence agencies, the plotters have all been recognized, are all under
surveillance and they have not been very careful."
The Obama
administration has had American military, both on domestic and foreign bases on
high alert since October 1. However, there has been no known terrorist enemy
threatening the US. The enemy is called “domestic” but its origins are far from
Today, Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette was “fired” from his command of one of the three carrier battle groups back to Bremerton, Washington to face an investigation.
It is impossible to adequately state how unusual this is and how serious.
The Navy was clear that the charges had nothing to do with his personal conduct, no rape or sexual misconduct, no stolen money, no drug use, the things that usually bring down careers in the Navy, that and crashing ships into each other.
Gaouette was sent back because the Secretary of Defense found him unfit for command, sent him across the world in the middle of one of the largest combat exercises in history, one both timed prior to an election and one at a critical location, near the Straits of Hormuz in the Persian
Gaouette commanded nearly one third of the Naval and air combat forces in the region.
The decision was made based on a conversation with the Secretary of Defense who, at the end of the talk, believed Gaouette was part of a group of military officers who have been under suspicion for planning a “Seven Days in May” type overthrow of the US government if President Obama is re-elected.
This is not conjecture, dozens of key officers face firing, hundreds are under investigation, all with direct ties to extremist elements in the Republican Party and the Israeli lobby.
Reports received are sourced at the highest levels of the Pentagon and indicate that the administration has been aware of these plans for months.
It is not just the Obama administration. This happened before.
The Air Force moved against the Bush administration in 2007 when it loaded up to nine nuclear weapons on a B 52 aircraft at Minot Air Force Base. We know now that up to three of those nuclear weapons are listed as “missing,” the military expression for this is “Broken Arrow.”
From Veterans Today:
Minot-Barksdale, The forgotten mutiny
In August 2007, at least six nuclear warheads were stolen from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. The moment they were loaded, they disappeared from America’s nuclear inventory, “location unknown,” something that is not supposed to happen. There is no possible “misinterpretation” of orders, no mistake, no “wrong label” issue. These weapons were stolen, pure and simple. Discussions of individual commanders having authority to deploy weapons, stories of accidents, confusion or political alignments within the Air Force are “red herrings.”
is more controlled, more secure, more restricted, more classified, more
protected than the nuclear arsenal of the United States. However, on that
fateful day in 2007, a half dozen or more, hydrogen bombs, were plucked out of
a secure bunker with no paperwork, no orders, nothing.
This is the military. People are jailed for losing flashlight batteries.
They were loaded into the weapons bay of a B-52 long-range bomber for transport to places unknown, for purposes unknown. The plane had no orders, was part of no mission, operated under no legal command structure, in fact, the moment the weapons were loaded, was no longer an American plane at all. A mission, even under the most innocent possible circumstances, that would have required the knowledge of the President and his staff, certainly the Joint Chiefs of Staff and likely the National Security Council as well, seem to have authorized itself, out of “thin air.”
Though the plane later landed at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, there is no evidence supporting this as the intended destination, far from it.
The theft, hijacking, you pick the term, these are the best two so far, happened outside the command authority of the United States government, contravening all protocols for the storage, handling and deployment of nuclear weapons. The incident was also a violation of treaties requiring America to safeguard her stockpile of nuclear weapons, not just from environmental disasters but also, as with this incident, from a mutiny by members of the military and civilian branches of our government, acting outside authority, acting as civilians, an act of piracy, mutiny, an act of insurrection.
Today’s “relief of command” is a response to a similar threat.
The “Barksdale Nukes” were believed to be heading to Diego Garcia for use against Iran as part of a false flag war, one started by a naval admiral who was tasked by an extra-governmental agenda to start a war.
This was the Air Force part of a joint operation that is said to have involved 5th Fleet commander, Admiral Cosgriff who as reported to the Secretary of State by Gwyneth Todd, then Chief Political Advisor to the fleet. Todd, who has recently retold her story to the Washington Post and other media outlets, received a death threat this morning after a stalking incident against her by an FBI agent stationed at the US embassy in Canberra, Australia.
Similarly, top defense consultant John Wheeler III, who knew of these issues quite well was mysteriously murdered and his body found in a garbage heap in Delaware in late 2010. No suspects have been arrested; no real investigation has ever been made.
That was then.
Today, key members of the military more loyal to Israel and Wall Street than the United States are said to be planning a mutiny to take place after the presidential election.
Their task, upon seizing power, is to facilitate a massive terror attack inside the United States, possibly using a stolen nuclear weapon, declare martial law, move troops into Iraq and to attack Iran with aid from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.
Turkey is to attack Syria with aid from Israel and civil war between the Kurdish regional government and the national government in Baghdad is to begin with the US brokering a peace and re-establishing what “newly appointed President Romney” would describe as the “Status of Forces Agreement” he mentioned during the debates.
His real intent is to occupy Iraq and attack Iran. In the process, America intends on “neutralizing” the nuclear capability of Pakistan.
This is the plan, it is known, not just in the Department of Defense, but by all intelligence agencies, the plotters have all been recognized, are all under surveillance and they have not been very careful.
All information here has more than one official source.
Step one, Benghazi
Those involved in the plot, those outside the military, are those who are spreading “conspiracy theory” rumors about US complicity or malfeasance in the handling of the murder of the US ambassador to Libya, Chris Stephens.
Today, CIA Director, General Petraeus clearly stated that the CIA had received no requests for help. A month ago, the State Department also made it clear, the attack was military, well coordinated and that no forces were available capable of making a difference.
In fact, the “conspiracy theorists,” those attempting to use their wild theories in order to implement an “October Surprise” are directly aligned with those who planned and executed the attack.
This is one of the advantages of a “false flag” attack on an American diplomat by America’s own friends and allies, or those mistaken for being such, any attempt to characterize those known to be guilty, prior to an election, would be used to discredit anyone giving out actual accurate information.
This is the role of the controlled press in terror operations, providing “deception and cover.”
Thus, it was necessary to invent a non-existent “Al Qaeda cell” in Libya and to hunt down minor third party assets while the real killers, well trained special operations military from the Gulf States and “other nations” were able to escape and will remain unaccountable.
Security services of both Britain and France had reported the presence of a special operations team well in advance of 9/11 but the target was a mystery.
The Benghazi attack required incredible coordination. What debunks conspiracy theories is that even the most amateur attacks use radio frequency jammers. They are common even to the Taliban much less to groups this sophisticated, a force now said to number at least 120 with 50 or more being trained special operations forces.
This backs up General Petraeus’ statement that no messages were received.
One incredible inconsistency in the “conspiracy media” came from Fox News. They reported that the US compound in Benghazi was relieved by a large force of friendly militia at 3am, a full hour before the lethal mortar attack is said, by Fox News, to have begun. Jennifer Griffin wrote this exclusive account for Fox News:
“They were killed by a mortar shell at 4 a.m. Libyan time, nearly seven hours after the attack on the consulate began - a window that represented more than enough time for the U.S. military to send back-up from nearby bases in Europe, according to sources familiar with Special Operations. Four mortars were fired at the annex. The first one struck outside the annex. Three more hit the annex.
A motorcade of dozens of Libyan vehicles, some mounted with 50 caliber machine guns, belonging to the February 17th Brigades, a Libyan militia which is friendly to the U.S., finally showed up at the CIA annex at approximately 3 a.m.”
Fox was so busy gloating over their misdirection that they totally missed how thoroughly they discredited themselves. Nothing written in any of the recent versions remotely depicts eyewitness reports. They made the whole thing up.
All of those who report a “hodge-podge” of conflicting calls for help through jammed communications, reminiscent of the jamming during the attack on the USS Liberty, are now potential suspects in the planning and execution of the attack itself.
Additionally, there is little possibility the attack in Benghazi could have been carried out without the presence of foreign agents within the State Department and the well-timed distraction of the Terry Jones telethon financed and supported by the CATO Institute and Republican National Committee, of which I am, sadly, a longtime member.
Israel rule
planned overthrow and subsequent declaration of martial law is a massively
financed operation with billions of dollars available. The primary impetus for
this action is a belief by members of the “dispensationalist” pseudo-Christian
heresy that pervades America’s military service academies that the United
States should be subservient to the State of Israel.
Over the past three decades, religious extremists have taken over the Air Force Academy, Annapolis and West Point, teaching mandatory classes in obscure religious beliefs, hatred of Islam and stressing obedience to an “Apocalypse Cult” that stresses pre-emptive nuclear war in order to bring on the “end times” and destroy all life on earth.
Some find these beliefs inconsistent with oaths sworn by all members of the military:
“I, _____, having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)”
Oaths, so easy to take, so convenient to break, and so it goes…
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